Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Super Mommy Secret~Does the DATE really matter??

Super Mommy Secret:  One thing I have decided is that the exact DATE of a celebration does not really matter to me. 

I mean WHEN you celebrate something or someone doesnt have to be the date that everyone else does it. 
Sometimes too many things fall on the same day!  I think it is funny to hear people say they missed celebrating something special but they will have to remember next year.  I say move the celebration date to one that fits with your family calendar!
Sometimes you do just have to miss celebrating things...it is hard for me to admit!  But dont be afraid to fit things in when they are convenient for your family rather than when the calendar says you have to do something...even if it is "late."  (So far nobody in our family has complained, but the kiddos are too little to know any better!)

This year we have to move our Father's Day...Last week we were out of town for a family reunion so we had a long drive home on Father's Day.  My husband and I both got to see our dads on "Father's Day", which was nice.  However, we didnt get to celebrate him.  So I decided I would help my kids celebrate their Daddy this coming Sunday instead.  I didnt want to miss celebrating him until next year just because of our other family commitments!

So this Sunday we will:

Set out our Father's Day Decorations: 
The Daddy tile (above)
A photo of him with each one of our kids as newborns
The Daddy Banner
Handmade gifts and cards from this year (and years past)

Give Him his gifts!
An envelope with a "gift of time" together with each child
1.  Go Cart Racing gift card (the other kids arent big enough yet so this is just for them)
2.  Icecream giftcard and Movie tickets (a Daddy/ Daughter Date)
3.  Motorcycle Decals (This little guy is obsessed with "dotorcycles" so he has to give daddy a motorcycle gift!  They can put the decals on and then go for a ride!)

Make some of his Favorite Foods:
Pizzeria Uno Pizza (made at home deep dish pizza) recipe
Apple Pie with icecream

And, most of all, Celebrate that we have a 
"Super Daddy"
at our house!  Because without him there would be no
Super Mommy!


  1. I love that quote. All great ideas as well. Very creative and thoughtful.

  2. I think this is a great idea! You could probably save a ton of money on stuff too if you celebrated after the fact. All the Easter, Valentine's and Halloween stuff goes on sale the next day:)

  3. What a lovely sentiment. You are right. We should never miss an "occasion" simply because the date has passed!

  4. I LOVE the tile! Did you make it?

  5. I love your ideas - that why I have an award for you at Organized Chaos! www.fernaaysfamily.blogspot.com!

    Blessings, Monica
