Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Super Mommy Secret~Anniversary Family Day

We celebrated our Anniversary this weekend so I thought I would share a fun tradition that we started a few years back.  We love to celebrate just as a couple, but we also have a Family Birthday Party.  As in the Birth of our FAMILY party
(this photo was taken recently in the same place our engagement photos were taken...
 12 years and 3 kids ago!)
We watch our wedding video (yeah, its VHS) and look at our wedding photos.  We sometimes even go to the temple where we were married and walk around as a family (when the weather cooperates!)
I usually make a nice dinner and a cake or cupcakes
This year we sang happy birthday to our family and blew out 12 candles
Its also fun to open a family gift.  I try to find something simple and FUN that we can use as a family, like a croquet set or a funnel cake maker.  (It didnt happen this year due to one child having a sprained ankle and the other having a fever and the stomach flu.  Such is the life of us Super Mommies, right Ladies?)
When the timing allows, it is fun to do the family party for Family Home Evening, like we did last night.  Then you can add in a little lesson on marriage.  I love including our kids on the Celebrating.  They love it too.

I originally found this idea online, shared by Valerie Christensen. 
Thanks Valerie, we love this tradition in our home.


  1. What a fun tradition! I love the cake with 12 candles for your anniversary! Such a great way to get the whole family involved!

  2. I think this is the sweetest idea! I love what you are sharing Angela!

  3. So cute! Great ideas.

    Who sprained their ankle? Sorry!

  4. What a great idea! I'm a newer mommy and I'm on the look out for great family traditions and fun! Thanks for sharing!

  5. I love this idea, I'm going to have to do this for our anniversary coming up!

  6. I love this idea of including the kids for an anniversary, because it really is the anniversary of a beginning of a family. Thanks for sharing, GO COUGS!

  7. I never thought about it that way. Yesterday was our anniversary and we went out as a family. My husband and I were playing footsies under the table and holding hands across the table as our three kids (2, 4, 6) bounced up and down on the seats, fished ice cubes out of my cup with tortilla chips and liked salsa off of the menu (I am glad the menus were brand new and looked clean). I think the family thing is a great idea, but I'm going to have to hold parties at home and later just have my husband and I go out. It might be more sanitary that way.

  8. Hi Becca,
    I was smiling as I read your comment because it is hilarious and SO true. I could just see our family out at dinner with the same crazy things going on!

    Londyn sprained her ankle on the tramp Sunday night. I had a "Mother of the Year" moment Monday morning when I was getting after her to stop hopping around and get going for the day. I finally looked at it and it was swollen and blue...poor thing. She is okay now, though.

    Thanks for the nice comments everyone!

    And Go Cougs!

  9. Thanks for sharing this idea - it's great!

  10. Love this Ang, if Mitch comes home in time we are doing it!

  11. Love the idea of the cake - we might have to start doing that! We like to celebrate our day as a family, too.... and I can't believe we didn't get around to watching OUR wedding video (also VHS!) this year. We might have to do it late! It's been 8 yrs and 2 kids for us.. :)
    Happy anniversary!

  12. My husband and I blended our family in 2010. So last May for our first anniversary we went out to dinner to celebrate our first wedding anniversary... our family of four went to the Melting Pot and we explained to our boys (mine at the time 14, his at the time 9) that we were celbrating our family's first anniversary.
