Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Super Mommy Secret~Keep Your Pants On, Instant Button One More Time!

I know it is the same Secret for a second week in a row but I am in love with this thing! 
It is time to give one set away to another jean lover out there.

Here is a photo of my random selection...and the winner is Wilkey Party of Five!  I will contact you to get your address and Dana will let you pick which set you want and mail it directly to you! 
Congratulations Wilkey Super Mommy!  I am sure you will love it as much as I do.  If you didnt win be sure to visit instantbuttonforjeans.com to check it out.

Here is what it looks like when you put it onto the jeans.

Here is how it looks when they are buttoned up. 
It takes a good inch or more in without altering!  I LOVE it!  I hope all of the Secrets Readers do as well!

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