Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Super Mommy Secret~Trekaroo

is a website for Super Mommies, like us, to find and review fun family places to visit!  I love the name.  It made me want to check it out.  Head over and check out whats in your area, too. 

Right now they have a welcome rewards program going on to help build up their community. 
When you sign up and leave 10 reviews within 2 weeks you get a $10 gift card; 25 reviews, a $25 gift card to Amazon, Starbucks, or REI. 

Bruneau Sand Dunes 2010
It was fun to look back at the places that we have gone in this area.  I know this photo is gross but it made me laugh when I came across it while looking for a picture to post from the Bruneau Sand Dunes.  He took a tumble down the hill.  I found sand in his ears (and nose) for months!

It wasn't hard for me to come up with 25 places we have visited in our area.  I just left 25 reviews, you should too!  Even if you don't want to review, bookmark the page and check out some new places to visit this year!

(thanks for the tip, freebies2deals.com)


  1. Thank you for the link. I went over to check it out and was pleasently surprised to see things near my small town as well. When I first moved here almost six years ago now it was challenging in the least to find things to do with children. Another new comer to the area started up a free magazine which now is done by the local newspaper and she has another free magazine for families. I shared this link with her and hope it spreads in our area as people go hiking and what not that they will share it here for all to see and be informed. This will help people looking to move to the area as well. I am very thankful you shared this site with us. *smile* Sincerely, mommy of two little blessings & so much more!

  2. Thank you for sharing Trekaroo with your readers! Our website wouldn't exist if weren't for our dedicated community of parents who write reviews and share their advice to help us all travel better. I am the blog editor so if you ever want to do a guest post and share some of your travel secrets or one of your favorite travel destinations, I would love to have you. Email at searnshaw at trekaroo dot com if you are interested!

  3. I did it! Thank you, I really enjoyed leaving reviews of places we have been!

  4. Thanks! I have been having fun leaving reviews and photos of our summer adventures. I even have added two of our favorite places that they didn't have listed! Do you have to do anything besides sign up and leave reviews to be eligible for the gift card? :) Thanks for sharing your info! Love your site...hoping one day I too can be a super mommy!!!

  5. Hi Allison,
    This is what my "welcome" email stated.

    "Welcome Rewards

    As a new member, we'd like to invite you to participate in our welcome rewards program. Help to build up the community by writing reviews.

    Write ten reviews in the first two weeks and we'll send you a $10 gift card. Write 25 reviews and we'll send you a $25 gift card to Amazon, Starbucks, or REI. Shoot an email to editor@trekaroo.com when you're done to claim your rewards. (Group fundraiser participants are not eligible for welcome rewards.)"

    When I was done with my 25, I sent an email to that address. So easy!

  6. Thanks for posting about our welcome rewards.

    Trekaroo's community of families who love to explore with kids are excited to welcome all of you who have been feverishly sharing their tips of the best places to play, eat and stay with kids.

    In the past 24 hours we've had such an overwhelming response to Trekaroo's Welcome Rewards Program that we suspended it for all new joins starting at 9:15pm PST on Jan 10, 2011. I just wanted to update you.

    But here are some other fun reasons to join Trekaroo.

    You Could Become a Trekaroo Superoo 2011
    Love writing reviews, love helping other parents discover fun places?
    We are search for 2011 Superoo elite reviewers. Impress us with the quality of your reviews and we'll send you on fun assignments.
    Learn more about Superoos: http://www.trekaroo.com/superoo

    Love free stuff?
    Every Monday, Trekaroo gives away a free trip, tickets, or product we love on our blog.
    Join Trekaroo and we'll send you a reminder each week.


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