Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Super Mommy Secret~Chinese Moon Festival

Dont Miss the Harvst Moon, Wednesday September 22 this year!

This is a fun tradition that we started several years ago in our family. 
It is very quick and easy to celebrate too, which always a bonus for us busy Super Moms!

1.  I start by making some super easy "mooncakes. " (If you want to add some extra Chinese Tradition, serve a "Red" dinner for good luck...apples, strawberries, lobster, red potatoes...)
There are a million recipes for REAL moon cakes online but I just use 2 regular cookies (super mommy secret:  use store bought cookies, or frozen cookie dough!) and then sandwich them together filling the middle with icecream.  This mooncake is made with 2 Keebler grasshopper cookies and some Oreo icecream.

2.  Then I make a paper cup "lantern" and put a regular birthday type candle inside for each person.  To make it stand up just drop a dot of the wax onto the bottom of the cup and hold the candle there for a few moments.  Then I make a "lake" by filling a 9x13 pan with water and setting the lanterns afloat!  When the time is right each person can blow out a candle and make a wish to the moon.

3.  Then, we lay a blanket outside under the full or rising Harvest Moon.  We sit there while we read the childrens book, Goodnight Moon, blow out our candles, and enjoy our moon cakes! 
(Here is our photo from 2 years ago)

The Festival in China is similar to our Thanksgiving time; a time to celebrate family and the abundance of the harvest.  When my parents-in-law were living in China, they were given so many moon pies in beautiful boxes that they couldnt even eat them all!

Happy Chinese Moon Festival to YOU!


  1. How fun, this would go great with our China week!

  2. This is such a great idea! My husband is in China right now & he showed me a Moon Cake through Skype last night.

    I featured your Moon Cake recipe on my blog today & made some Moon Cake toppers to use as well! They are a free download on my blog.

    Here's the link:

    Thanks for the great idea! :)

  3. What a fun idea. I am such a super mommy wanna be. Thanks for making me look good. I love your ideas and am so glad I found your blog!

  4. Love this. Your posts all look really creative. Newest follower :) I too am very glad I found your blog.

    Hopefully you get a chance to check mine out too :)


  5. Hey supermommy! Check your email for a super award, or go to

    http://clickableparty.blogspot.com/2010/10/wednesdays-wicked-smaht-blog-awards.html to see all about it!

    Clickable Party

  6. I just found your blog... because The Creative Crate mentioned you. You are one SUPER mom!!! You should have your own magazine! Lucky kiddos!

  7. Awesome blog! Love the paisely print! I'm following now, so I look forward to seeing your posts!
