Monday, March 22, 2010

Super Mommy Secret~Go Green Challenge!

Go Green this year.

Earth Day is April 22nd so there is no better time to start thinking about getting a little more GREEN!

Last year I got to throw and Earth Day party in my sons 2nd grade class.  I happened upon this fun little idea called the GO GREEN CHALLENGE, so I contacted one of the founders, Suzanne Kretschmer, through email and got more information on her program.  She was extremely helpful and kind.  She didnt even email, she called me right away and got me all excited to GO GREEN!

Here is how it works:    The kids have to do 25 eco-friendly tasks to complete the challenge.  You send this form home with the kiddos to work on for a set time, we chose 1 month.  That is why I am posting it now! If any of you super mommies out there want to do this as well, you will have time (and still end during Earth Day week).  The link is to my form which I created from Suzanne's last year. However, I will change it to Suzanne's form as soon as her site is up and running.
My sons teacher decided to invite some of the other teachers as well.  We sent the form home with 1st-3rd graders.

At the end of the challenge, we presented the kids with awards at a Go Green assembly.  We did ours outside.  You could even invite some special guests.  Suzanne got their mayor to come and present everyone with a city pin.  I tried to get our mayor but he was busy so I got some other guests, like Eddy the Trout and the Allied Waste Recycling Truck, from our area to come to our school.  I also got Green shopping bags, pins from the mayor, and a larger prize (like a T-shirt or water bottle) donated for each kid who completed the challenge!

If being in charge of the challenge for your school is too much, just do it within your family or neighborhood.  You can come up with something eco-friendly to give as a prize! 

If you need some ideas, check out these awesome companies who helped me out at our Go Green Challenge last year.  They have amazing products to help you Go Green at home! saves you money on buying individual food servings, drinks, and plastic baggies! if you cringe every time you throw away a plastic sandwich bag! another great alternative to the plastic sandwich bag, and its a placemat!

If you feel like you want to GO GREEN with your school or your family, check out all of Suzanne's amazing ideas on her website (and there are a lot more than just the Go Green Challenge!)
which she tells me will be up sometime next week.

1 comment:

  1. Really cute blog! I love your easter advent and am going to feature it at Grab my "featured" button. This should send some more traffic your way!
